Web and Graphics Designer, Marketing, Social Media, Networking and more... - Niccole Lowe

Understanding your Social Media Account

As every business owner knows or should know all Facebook pages for your business start with a Facebook account. The account must be for a "real" person. Business pages separate themselves from your account because not only will you use Facebook for personal connections but also for your business. Posting birthday party photos on your "timeline" or "home - page" on Facebook is perfectly fine because your "page" is kept separate. However, I have had a lot of clients ask about all the links on their "account" and which ones pertain to their "account" or to their "page". One recent question was about the "HOME" link at the top of your Facebook wall or home - page. That number is simply to show you how many posts, news, events, etc. have been added to your timeline since you last looked at it. Personally I cant find a good use for that but Facebook is still growing and perfecting itself. Some changes have been good but there have been a lot of great marketing tools which have been taken away.

CONTACT ME if you have questions about what goes where or what new things are on your Facebook account and page. I give one consultation for free.

Remember: Sites you visit all the time like Facebook are constantly changing. So too should your website AND Facebook business page. All your online marketing should work together and be updated often. Why? Just shoot me an email and I can tell you based on what type of business you own. Really, I can.

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