Web and Graphics Designer, Marketing, Social Media, Networking and more... - Niccole Lowe


All Potential Client Web Sites start with a FREE** mockup – A mockup is a "picture" of what the web site will look like. No links will work, no animation is present. It's just to show what the potential clients web site could look like with my help.


  • I ask the client to fill in a simple questionnaire via my website: [CLICK TO VIEW FORM HERE]

  • I take the information and create a custom template for the client. This is usually done within 48 business hours.

  • Then, I send the mockup to the potential client and await changes or approval.

  • When the mockup is approved, I invoice the client for the package or option they choose and ask for a 50% deposit*.

  • Once the deposit is received I will begin preparing the template for installation.

  • The site can be completed as fast as the client sends me content materials and info.

  • Final balance is due and payable immediately prior to the site being installed onto a server or no later than 30 days after deposit has been made.


** FREE meaning I will create a mockup for the potential client to view. All files, photos, graphics and web files remain the property of my company UNTIL the client decides to hire me to complete the project. Once the project is complete all files become the property of the client with the condition I can use them for my own marketing.


* I do have some new options for payments so a 50% deposit may not be required.


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